How to get more Twitter followers (Part 1)

Okay, if you’re reading this article right now, you’re probably someone who’s just joined Twitter and would like to have some people following your account. Or maybe you already have some followers but thinking of having even more. Either ways, this article is for you.

Of course you might be thinking, I’ve seen plenty of articles about this. So why and how is this different? Well, what could be different is that I have had the same ambition that you have right now. Since the day I joined Twitter, I’ve always looked forward to have lots of followers. I started with 0, and now I have 6k+ followers. This might seem like a really small number, but I think I’ve learned enough to teach you the basics of getting started and gain more followers genuinely everyday!

So let’s get started! Here’s what I did to start getting Twitter followers daily:

Step 1: Tidy up your profile information (bio).

So the very first thing to do is to make sure that your bio represents ‘You’. What does that mean? first, make sure that your Twitter username ( is your full name. So for example, if your name is John Edward, let your username be: If the username is taken, you can use underscores like: john_edward or _johnedward. You can also attach the year of birth (e.g. 92) to the end of the username as well like: johhedward92.

Then you should use your real photo as your profile picture, this will help people recognize. The last part is the bio section. This is where you have 160 characters to describe yourself. Make sure to specify your hobbies, interests, your work position (if you have a job) and maybe where you live.

Step 2: Link your Twitter account to your website.

If you own a website, a blog, a forum or just a Facebook page, make sure you leave a link to your Twitter account. You can have your own Twitter ‘follow me’ button (just like the one I have in ‘Contact me’ page in this blog) from this link:

This doesn’t only help you get more followers, but also helps get your Twitter account authentic. So people who visit your website or blog can now be sure of your real Twitter account and reach it directly.

Step 3: Follow back EVERYONE who follows you.

I know this isn’t what you came here for, but unless you’re a celebrity or the owner of a large company, don’t expect to have lots of followers without following anyone back. So how does this help and why does it work?

First of all, many people use applications or websites that automatically or selectively  unfollow accounts that don’t follow them back. You don’t want to get unfollowed after a short time, do you?

Besides, when you start following people, Twitter learns what accounts you prefer and starts showing your name in the ‘Who to follow’ list for people who might find your account interesting based on who you’re following.

Another thing is that when you follow people, you start seeing their tweets on your timeline. This allows you to communicate and interact with them which helps in having ‘active followers’ – you know, those who would FAV/RT your tweets.

Step 4: Follow popular accounts and interact with them.

Try and find popular (Preferably verified) accounts, follow them and interact with them. That is, reply to their tweets. Whether it’s a question or an announcement, always remember to put your own signature either by replying or just favoring / retweeting their tweets. This will help you get noticed and maybe, get followed by that popular account!

You can also try tweeting to them, especially if you’re a big fan.. Who knows, maybe they’ll retweet your tweet and get you tons of favorites, Retweets and/or followers. What else could you ask for?

Step 5: Consider buying some followers.

If you’re running a business account and need a fast way to gain followers, one option is to buy some followers. ‘There are many services available to trade currency for followers’. Despite being a very fast way to boost the number of your followers, it has two main disadvantages: The followers will be bots (fake twitter account) who are not guaranteed to keep following your account for a long period of time. Which means that you may wake up one day and find the number of followers decreased considerably.
The other issue is that Twitter may suspend your account as Twitter ‘strictly prohibits the purchasing and selling of account interactions’ on their platform including: purchased followers, retweets and favorites. (Read more about Twitter’s policy here:

However, if you’re running a personal account, we strongly recommend that you stick to the old-fashioned way with the help of this tutorial.

Click here to visit Part 2 of this tutorial.


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